Friday 20 November 2015

Le vendredi 20 novembre 2015.


It has been quite a while since my last blog. Time is flying.

We continue to be busy and have fun by learning.

In French (Language Arts), your child has built his/her robot. The students had SO MUCH FUN! It was also beautiful to see them interact between each other and sharing materials. 

I have put a lot of emphasis in recognizing the importance of our Learning Skills (Responsibility, Organization, Individual Work, Collaboration, Initiative & Self-Regulation). Your child is now able to apply these skills to any format being presented to them.

*Just a friendly reminder that your child needs to read 10 to 20 minutes in French each night. It is also important to have your child have the opportunity to converse in French. It could be with you if you speak French, a family member, your neighbour... Have them order in French at the restaurant. Have your child write in a notebook to compose sentences. By doing this, your child will improve his/her vocabulary and expand sentence structures. Encourage your child to bring his/her notebooks back at school for me to correct. It is important to practice in order to become comfortable with the language.

*Students have been informed that they need to be speaking more in French in class. They now have the basic tools to express most of the time in French. By speaking to myself and their classmates, they will become fluent.

* Your child is now working on listening skills. By being an active listener,
your child is able to understand the instructions and get right to work. It also demonstrates an understanding of the purpose for listening in a variety of situations (e.g., to follow teacher instructions; to identify familiar words in songs; to learn new expressions and word patterns from texts read aloud; to be entertained by a humorous story or joke). 

*Science: We are still studying: 'Habitat'. Your child is learning about what a 'carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, granivore, insectivore et crustacivore' are all about. Also, what a 'producteurs, consommateurs, les proies...'. Your child is now doing a research on a Canadian animal. More information to come...

*Social Studies: Your child is learning about the different physical regions of Canada. So far, we have learned: 'Les basses-terres du Saint-Laurent et les Appalaches'. 

We are also going to learn: 'Le Bouclier canadien, les basses-terres de la Baie d'Hudson, les Plaines Intérieures, la Cordillère de l'Ouest & les basses-terres de l'Arctique'.

I would like to take this opportunity to ensure that your child is completing his/her homework on time and with care. It is important to ensure that your child's notebooks, duo-tang, pencil case, cubby
and even his/her desk is organized. By being organized, your child will feel better and be motivated.  

Let's continue to:

Je vous souhaite une excellente fin de semaine.

Mme Mathieu

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Le mardi 17 novembre 2015.

Le mardi 17 novembre 2015.

Musique: In music class today we learned how to play Jingle Bells. Students are very happy and excited to be learning this song just in time for the Christmas holidays. Bravo les amis!
Next Tuesday, November 24th, students will be tested on what we have learned so far. We reviewed exactly what will be on the test. Students have marked their pages with a star. Please help your child prepare for the test.
Vocabulary: la clé de Sol
                  la portée
                  5 lignes et 4 espaces
                  les notes EGBDF  et FACE ( to be placed on the staff)
                  the beats and name for certain notes (in their duotang)
Have fun with your child! Mme Beraldin

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Le mardi 10 novembre 2015.


Musique: Today, we reviewed the notes C and D and made our fingers move to play the 5 notes learned so far. Each student had the opportunity to play for me and then we played 'Au clair de la lune' and 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' together. WOW!
Devoir:  practice the notes C and D. Please sign the practice bug sheet in your child's duotang. There are still some students who are forgetting their duotang and recorder for music class. It is very important for them to have both duotang and recorder every Tuesday

Merci! Mme Beraldin