Monday 4 April 2016

Le lundi 4 avril 2016.

Bonjour Chers Parents,

Voici les marionnettes que les élèves ont fait pour pratiquer à parler français.

Voici une vidéo pour apprendre le passé composeé:

-Have your child practice the verb 'passé composé' every night for 15 minutes.
-Learning verbs is like learning time tables. It`s Fun!!!

Merci et bonne soirée!

Mme Mathieu

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Le mardi 8 mars 2016.

Dear Parents,

Look at this BEAUTIFUL MEDIEVAL VILLAGE!!!! All students were busy yesterday in the construction of the village. It took us one 75 minute block and the result is absolutely amazing!

Merci les amis! Vous avez travaillé super bien. 
Vous avez:
1) Collaborer avec vos amis.
2) Pris de l'initiative pour choisir de construire une partie du village.
3) Vous avez organisé le village.
4) Vous deviez être en contrôle de vous-même (auto-régulation).

Continue your great effort! As a class, we can do so much! I am so proud of YOU!

Bonne journée!

Mme Mathieu

Friday 4 March 2016

Le vendredi 4 mars 2016.

Bonjour chers parents,

Kindness week 2016! - La semaine de la bonté 2016!
Your child had to write 7 kindness actions they were going to do for someone.

Here are some students communicating in French by phoning his/her friend. The conversation had to last 1 minute. This activity had everyone speaking in French. Bravo les amis!!!! Continuez de toujours parler en français.

We have started our unit on Medieval Times. The students are so excited. We will be building castles at a later date. To realize this project, we will need empty boxes, such as; empty cereals boxes,
empty box of kleenex, empty rolls of paper towels. Also, if you wish to donate a roll of masking tape and glue gun sticks, that would be greatly appreciated. If you have any of these items, could you please send them with your child?

Here are some links that your child could use to learn how to conjugate the (passé composé). Your child should take 10 minutes per night and practice. I also mentioned to your child the he/she can go to Google Search engine and type: activité avec le verbe au passé composé. Your child will find several activities. Amusez-vous!!!

Le passé composé

Le passé composé


Merci beaucoup!

Mme Mathieu

Thursday 11 February 2016

Le jeudi 11 février 2016.



We are now wrapping up several units:

Language Arts 
We will be starting to learn about Recount writing. For this writing unit, we will study the verb tense: 'Passé composé'. Have your child practice this tense by going on the Internet.  The Internet has great activities to help your child. Google: Activités pour le passé composé. 10 to 20 minutes per night will benefit your child. Learning verbs is like learning multiplication or division. You need to memorize.

In Science we will start our new unit: 'Pulleys & Gears'.

In Social Studies: 'Medieval Times'.

Je vous souhaite une belle journée!
Mme Mathieu

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Le mardi 26 janvier 2016.

(Message from Mme Beraldin)

Bonjour chers parents,

This afternoon, students played a song called 'Monkey Business' as part of their evaluation. They played very well keeping a good tempo. This song was a review of the following notes: B A G C E and D. Bravo les amis! Next week will be our final week learning the recorder. Please make sure your child returns his/her recorder next Tuesday. They will continue to use their Music duotang every Tuesday.

In Drama, students have been working hard perfecting their plays. Lines needs to be memorized by Thursday February 4th. Please help your child with their lines, pronunciation and expression.

Merci! Bonne soirée!

Mme Beraldin

Friday 22 January 2016

Le dimanche 31 janvier 2016.


Here is the sheet to help your child with his/her oral presentation in Social Studies that will start on Thursday, February 4th.

Your child needs to be able to:
-pronounce correctly.
-speak loudly.
-use intonation and a good fluency.
-look at his/her audience.
-captivate his/her audience.


Bonjour mes amis et Mme Madame Mathieu!

Je m’appelle _______________.

Aujourd'hui, je vais vous présenter ma province _____________/

mon territoire _______________.

*Premièrement, voici le drapeau de ma province. Tu peux voir _____________________


Voici la fleur. La fleur se nomme ___________ et l’animal se nomme _______________.

*Deuxièmement, les endroits touristiques sont ________________, _________________ et __________________.

*Troisièmement, voici le secteur où les gens travaillent: ________________ et ___________________.

*Quatrièmement, la production agricole de ma province _____________/ mon territoire

_______________ est/sont _________________, __________________ et


*Cinquièmement, voici les industries: _________________, ______________ et _________________.

*Finalement, les ressources sont: _________________,___________________ et __________________.


Avez-vous des questions?
Saviez-vous que….?

We have started to study the following verbs: 'Avoir, 'Être', 'Faire' et 'Aller' au présent. Have your child continue to practice these verbs conjugaisons at home. Learning to conjugate is so important and in order to become comfortable, your child needs to practice. Here are some website that you may have your child visite:
   Verbe 'Faire'

Merci et bonne journée!

Mme Mathieu

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Le mercredi 19 janvier 2016.

Bonsoir chers parents,

During our guided reading: 'Le bateau de Bruno', the students have discovered several words containing the sound: 'o' - 'au' - 'eau'. For example:

O: du chocolat, Bruno, Mario, Hugo, bientôt

AU: autre, aussi

EAU: du gâteau, un bateau, de l'eau, oiseau, beaux

I have come across some activities for your child to continue to practice at home.

Please click on the following two links.


O - AU - EAU    O - AU - EAU


Bonne soirée!

Mme Mathieu

Thursday 14 January 2016

Le jeudi 14 janvier 2016.

Bonjour chers parents,

In Music, your child continues to learn new notes. This week, we reviewed a few notes together and learned a new song called 'My Teddy'. Students will play this song for me next Tuesday.

In Drama, students are enjoying practicing their plays. A few dates to remember: All costumes, props and memorization of lines (except the narrator) are due on February 4th


Mme Beraldin

Sunday 3 January 2016

Le dimanche 3 janvier 2016.


Here are your child's diaroma. Your child has been working very hard (December).

 Here is an overview of our next strands:

-Language Arts: Procedural text 

VERBS We are now starting to study the verbs. Just a friendly reminder that starting in the new year 2016, I would like to teach your child how to use a Bescherelle. A Bescherelle (L'art de conjuguer in particular) are commonly used in French Immersion schools and it is often required that students purchase one for class. However, I can only suggest to purchase this tool. It would be useful!

A Bescherelle is a French language grammar reference book best known for its verb conjugations. 

You may purchase this book @ Centre Franco-Ontarien TÉLÉPHONE: 613-747-8000



Have your child go to the different web sites and practice:



Science: Light & Sound

Social Studies: We are continuing to study our Provinces & Territories.

Wishing you a great night!


Mme Mathieu