Friday 25 September 2015

PJ Day on Monday


Just a few reminders:

1) Monday, it's pyjama day. The school has raised 200.00$ for Terry Fox.

2) If your child wish to play Basketball on Friday against teachers, your child needs to bring money to buy tickets.

Bonne chance!

Bon week-end!!!

Le vendredi 25 septembre 2015.

Le vendredi 25 septembre 2015.

How quick a week goes! Your child is now adjusting to my style of teaching. We are learning new things everyday. Your child continues to use the sentence strips to help express himself/herself.

Just a friendly reminder to ensure that your child is always respecting the class and school rules.

Your child is in the process of presenting a friend. Starting next week, your child will need to implement the information and create a Google slide presentation about his/her classmate. Stay tuned as this will be all done in class. I am so excited! Afterwards, your child will need to practice at home. Date to be announced.

Monday, your child will be introduced to the physical regions of Canada.

Here are example of organized notebook. Merci les amis!!!!

Je vous souhaite une excellente fin de semaine. Le soleil sera de notre côté.

Mme Mathieu

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Le mardi 22 septembre 2015.

Le mardi 22 septembre 2015.

We are starting our third week.

Your child is working hard in expressing him/herself in French. Here are questions your child needs to express at all times in class. 

Je ne comprends pas.
Est-ce que tu peux répéter?
Est-ce que tu peux m'aider?
Je ne peux pas trouver le mot ___________?
Comment écrit-on ...?
Est-ce que je peux aller chercher mon agenda?
Est-ce que je peux aller chercher ma bouteille d'eau?
Est-ce que je peux aller chercher mon coffre à crayons?
Est-ce que je peux utiliser...?
Est-ce que je peux prendre...?
Est-ce que je peux emprunter...?
Est-ce que je peux m'asseoir à côté de mon ami(e)?
Est-ce que je peux travailler dans l'atrium?
Est-ce que je dois dessiner?
Est-ce que je dois colorier?

While working on their Visual Arts last Friday, your child was introduced to the song: 'Chante-la ta chanson' from Jean Lapointe. It`s a catchy song!!! Chantez avec votre enfant: Chante-la ta chanson.

Here is another song to review the objects of the classroom. 
Mon sac à dos.

Image result for curriculum night clipartJust a friendly reminder that tonight is our Curriculum Night starting @ 6:30 p.m. in the gymnasium. Join us!

Bonne journée!

Mme Mathieu

Saturday 12 September 2015


Good morning,


This week we have established our classroom rules. Have your child explain the rules. When rules are established, children feel safe and they know what is expected. Together, we are creating a safe environment.

*Je lève la main avant de parler.
*J'écoute les autres.
*Je suis ponctuel.
*Je respecte les autres.
*Je fais mes travaux dans les délais demandés.
*Je fais des efforts.
*Je garde la classe et mon pupitre propres.
*Je pose de questions lorsque je ne comprends pas.
*Je respecte le matériel.
*Je participe en classe.
*J'ai du plaisir à apprendre.

We are now starting to learn about political and physical regions of Canada.  


We have starting our unit: 'Habitat'. 

*Please send an indoor pair of shoes in order to keep our school clean. 

*If you have not done it yet, please visit  It's a great way to pay for your child`s items such as agenda, extra curricular activities and/or school trips.

I Thank You in advance for registering. 

Je vous souhaite une excellente fin de semaine.

Mme Mathieu

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Tuesday, September 8th, 2015.


September 2015,

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), 

Welcome once again to the beginning of an exciting new school year! I hope that you and your family have enjoyed the summer vacation. It is with great pleasure that I introduce myself as your child's French teachers. I am starting my 20th year as a French Immersion Teacher. I am passionate about teaching French as a second language and I hope your child is ready to embark on an exciting journey with me. My goal is for your child to enjoy learning a second language and apply in their surroundings.

Although the school provides each classroom with the basic necessities, if you wish to send your child with their own supplies, the items listed below are particularly useful: glue sticks, hand held covered sharpener, pencil case, a black small tip and medium tip sharpie for Visual Arts.  Other materials may be needed throughout the year due to activities or class projects, please see notes in the agenda or my blog as the year progresses.

Communication between home and school is very important. The agenda serves as a homework and communication book. It is a place to write notes regarding late arrivals, early dismissals, illness, change in transportation, homework difficulties or confusion. Please sign the agenda every night. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via the school secretaries @ 613-737-1141 or write a note in your child's agenda to book an appointment.

In order to help promote healthy eating habits, please send a healthy snack.  I am also asking to refrain from sending food that contains nuts/almonds/cashews/sesame/seafood/fish as we have children with severe threatening allergies. 

A positive attitude is the key of success.
 Let's keep it all the time. At the beginning of the school year, I establish a few simple rules which I expect each student to follow. The rules are discussed as a class and are based on a respect for others and for the property of others. Structure and rules promotes a great learning environment. Treat each person with respect and dignity. It goes a long way. Please talk with your child about what is going on in our classroom.

Friendly reminders:
-Message from Synervoice: The parent school cash online system is now in place for St. Marguerite d’Youville and all other schools in the Ottawa Catholic School Board for payment throughout the year for items such as agendas, extra curricular activities and/or school trips. You will be able choose to have required funds withdrawn directly from your bank account or charged to your Visa or Mastercard. Great news - no more scrounging around for last minute change, no more worrying about whether the money you have given your children will make it into the right hands. Everything can now be done at your fingertips. School Cash Online is an easy to use and a secure way to pay for your children’s school fees from your own digital device no matter where you are. All you have to do is register for an account and enter requested data and in no time you will be able to make payments online. Please visit and follow the directions to set up your account with our school. You should not experience any difficulties but if you do or have any questions, please make sure to check out the support tab at the top of the website. 

 Tuesday, September 22nd @ 6:30 p.m. starting in the gymnasium.

-Please send an indoor pair of shoes in order to keep our school clean.  

Your partner in Education,

Mme Mathieu